Welcome to our blog!
- Posted on
- By Arie Langelaar
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The start of LegendaryCards.eu has been AMAZING.. We couldn't wish for more! Thanks so much to everybody that made a purchase, big or small! Please let us know how we can improve, what products you are missing or just say HI!
The only word to describe the start of our business. My wife and I (recently got married, yay!) did not know what to expect starting LegendaryCards.eu. If anything we thought sales would be very slow the first couple of months, building our brand. WRONG! We are extremely grateful to everyone who has placed an order with us, big or small. Probably pretty scary to order from a brand new company online so thanks for trusting us (L)
We are basically working 7 days (and sometimes nights) to fullfill all orders as quickly as possible, to build our brand online and looking for the best priced Pokemon TCG stuff for you all.
What we would LOVE to hear is feedback from everyone. What's bad? What's good? What are you missing? What is not needed? What do you think of our favourite Pokemon being Mr. Mime? There are so many aspects of starting a new business that there are a million things to improve/focus on.
Hope to hear from you!
Lots of Pokelove
Hey Jeroen,
What a super nice response from you! It really is based on passion and we still have the same fire today as 4 years ago when we started. Thanks so much for your kind words and also your huge order! Appreciate the trust. Kind regards, Arie
I'm super happy that i found your website just now. It's great to have such an amazing retailer basically in my backyard wich i know i can trust. I just placed my first order wich is still waiting for payment because i had to increase my daily banking limit....ooops. Just couldn't contain my excitement about having some amazing 1st edition dutch jungle packs (the full art set), a team rocket 1st edition pack and 6 packs of evolutions. Might have gone a bit overboard, but won't ever regret it, not even for one second. I could just tell this started as a hobby and a passion wich you were able to turn into your job. This speaks volumes about a company and it's owners, and i can't do anything other than encourage it. It's very refreshing to see. Quite frankly it's the exact reason why i placed my order in the first place. If you ever manage to get your hands on some classic ex sets i can already guarrantee i'll be back within 3 seconds. Much love, cant wait to receive my order!